On Getting What You Want When What You Want Is Hard To Get
Here are the finished products
Henry's (left), Oliver's (center), Remy's (right) |
We currently have three paintings hanging on our walls at
home. Two are art projects painted by
our kids. And the other is a painting I
bought at an antique store for $40. (I
like the frame better than the painting itself.
So I proposed we paint over it.
My family objected).
We love interesting paintings. And we love having color on the walls. But we don’t have the money to go out and buy
artwork. So we have chosen the creative
and frugal route of having our kids create art.
This week we found ourselves at Hobby Lobby, buying four new
canvases. We have more walls that are
calling out for some color. Each of the
three boys are going to drip, flip, smear, and splatter a canvas Jackson
Pollock style for our dining room.
(Luckily, we have a basement to contain the chaos). And then we have another idea for the fourth
canvas in our living room.
We want our kids to believe in their ability to create
beautiful things. Plus, they’re
incredibly cheap labor! But the main
goal for us is to have interesting and colorful artwork on the walls.
Here’s my point. All
of us have dreams and goals. All of us
have values we want to live out. All of
us dream about the life we want for ourselves and for those close to us. But there are always obstacles and
challenges. And we get stuck. We lose heart. We lose our confidence. And after awhile, we stop dreaming. We tell ourselves that what we want isn’t
that important after all.
So what kind of life do you want? And what are the challenges? What’s keeping you from it? Not enough time or money? Not enough energy left after the daily
obligations of kids, work, errands, or caring for parents? These are all real issues, of course.
But I want to encourage you to retrieve your dreams and
goals. Don’t let the challenges
dishearten you. Ask others for advice
about creative solutions. You might not
be able to get everything you want. But
there will likely be versions of your dreams that are do-able.
I would like to go to art auctions and buy beautiful
paintings for thousands of dollars. I
can’t do that. But I don’t want to give
up on creativity and color in our house.
So we’re doing the best we can with the challenges we have.
OK, so what will it be for you? If you decide on a new course of action, some
renewed commitment to pursue something you value, I’d love to hear your
story. You can email me at jaredwitt@gmail.com.
May God’s Spirit inspire and energize you into the life you
want, Jared.
The paintings look great! I've always appreciated and found more meaningful the "product" of DIY artwork.