Down South for Mountains and Liturgy

This isn't a great picture.  I'll post better ones I get from Rhesa later.  But this is the view from the top of Buffalo Mountain just outside Johnson City, TN.

Rhesa, Jonathan, Susan and I made a quick trip to the Smoky Mountains this week for a worship retreat with our friend David Butzu from Hopwood Christian Church.

I love road trips.  We laughed a lot.  Things we discovered while in the car for twelve hours straight each way: the skin of the elbow is called the "wenis" (google it if you don't believe me); and Jonathan confessed to once being in a singing group called "Vision to Victory".

We pulled into Johnson City just before the sun set.  David said we had to get up the mountain to see it.  It's physically jarring to get out of a long car ride fueled by hot tomales and immediately scale a mountain.  But it was a wonderful view.  Then we spent the next day talking about the development of the ancient liturgy.  Hopefully more on our trip and what we're thinking about soon.
