A Prayer of Lament

Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayer.
It matters to us that when Lazarus died you wept.
It matters to us that you have suffered psychologically, spiritually, and in your own body.
It matters to us that you know what it’s like to be afraid of pain,
that you accepted terrible pain for our sakes.
It matters to us that you died, executed by hateful people and by an uncaring regime.
And most of all, it matters to us that you were raised on the third day with your wounds.
This is great love, O High God, that you have come low to suffer with us and share our pain.
But still, we have questions.
Not every problem has been solved.
How long will this go on?
Is it really true that you will re-create the world with no crying, no pain, no death?
We believe.  Help our unbelief.
Every day you wait to make all things new, the horrors pile up.
Children starve, brutal wars waged, people enslaved, the poor crushed by the rich,
millions stagger from day to day without love.
Why wait?  What are you waiting for?  
We pray for all those who are in pain.
Hear the cry of lament voiced by your creatures.
Send aid and grace and strength and friends to those who suffer.
Judge the violent.  Make an end of them.  Show us that they will not win in the end.
It’s not that there is no laughter and joy in our lives.
It’s not that there is no singing and dancing in the world.
It’s not that people do not embrace.
It’s just that love and joy happen only here and there, now and then.
It’s just that in every celebration so many are left out.
Make us your servants.
Free us from our numbness and our lethargy so that we can see the pain all around us.
So that we can bear one another’s burdens, 
As you, Jesus Christ, have borne ours.  Amen.
